Thursday, February 27, 2014

February is almost over!

So, here we are into the second month of the year and in just a few days, it is March.  What a winter this has been, and threat of yet more snow and blizzard conditions loom over us again for the weekend.  Better run out and get your milk, bread, and eggs.  Why are these the three main items everyone feels they need to get?  Well, the bread is an obvious and perhaps even the milk (sandwiches and cereal) but eggs?  I personally don't use eggs that often.  But, they are certainly nice to have on hand for the occasional pancake, sweets, French toast.  I can't imagine being locked in longer than 1-2 days.  Most everyone would have enough to get along for a couple of days.  Even if it's scratching the bottom of the barrel and maybe not your favorite foods.  But, if there in the pantry, must of like it some - right?!  Well, I did pick up a few things today too but not really in preparing for another blast of ol' Jack Frost.  Just picking up things we were out of.  A typical grocery run.

Well, we're coming up on a weekend and I find myself almost being bored.  It seems everyone has plans but me.  We've been trying really hard to not spend unnecessarily so that does limit some things.  Just running out to go shopping isn't so fun if you purposely do not want to spend dollars designated for other things.  We're thinking Spring.  We have a few minor and a couple major home repairs so in focusing on those, just don't want the temptation by going shopping.

Well, nothing much really going on, but I just wanted to drop a blog since I hadn't done so in awhile.  I've been spending a lot of time on Pinterest.   That is fun.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Whimsical Flower

So here is a cute little flower pin I found from Jennifer Jangles blog.  Since I am in the Indianapolis Chapter Sewing Guild, we were given a challenge.  This is one of several that was available.  I thought this looked fairly fun, didn't need to really purchase anything, and easy.  I actually sewed it once and then took it all apart because I didn't like how the flower pedals looked.  I like the second attempt much better.  The pedals are more separated like I wanted.  I am going to end up giving this one to my sister for a bag that I made her.  The bag is the darker blue with the white for the handles and inside lining.  Just hot glue a pin on the back and there you have a little decoration on your bag.