Thursday, December 26, 2013

White Christmas

Well, since I haven't been punctual on posting, I'm going to post several all of which will be dated for today.  I wish I had posted these on the dates they actually happened, but can't change that now.

December 14, 2013:

So, we went to the Artcraft a second time.  The classical WHITE CHRISTMAS was playing.  Didn't want to miss this on the big screen.

 Here we are waiting in line to get inside.  It was much colder this night than it was when we saw Elf here two weeks prior.

My daughter and niece met us there. 

We already have this DVD as well, but who cares!!!  Going to the Franklin Artcraft is such a treat. 

To our surprise the Whiteland Community High School "Swing" group performed.  They sang several Christmas songs and did a wonderful job.

Prior to the movie actually starting, a couple of volunteers of the Artcraft theatre did their rendition of "Sisters"....

We laughed until we were crying.  This was so flippin' funny.

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